There is some really great stuff out there!

Articles and links updated monthly to spark your interest.

Magazine or Newspaper Articles

Could Angry outbursts trigger a heart attack? New Research suggests losing your temper increases your risk of a heart attack or stroke, so do we all need to a calm down a bit?

Luisa Dillner, The Guardian, Sunday March 9th 2014 (Article link)


How do you deal wth the daily pressures you face and keep calm? There are many ways to keep your body in balance and repair the daily wear and tear. It's your choice to do something about it.

Useful Web sites and Apps

Harvard Business Review. Great web site with interesting tips, blogs and articles. Full access is relatively cheap for the amazing amount of content you receive.



App from Harvard Business Review - 'Management Tip of the Day'. Available for mobiles and tablets through itunes and Google Play store.

Great little app that gives you useable tips and reminders for Leadership on wide variety of themes.

Books worth reading if you're interested in the topic

Change: Our Iceberg is Melting. Changing and Succeeding under Any Conditions.

John Kotter and Holger Rathgerber (2006) ISBN-10: 031236198X




Great book about how to succeed and survive change through the eyes of a Penguin! A charming, easy and profound read. You'll be intrigued to follow the fable and see how these lessons can easily be applied to your own experiences.



Companies worth looking at - values and behaviour

South West Airlines. Really worth looking at and understanding how this great company treats its employees and builds commitment and enthusiasm for the brand and celebrates success.


About South West Aitlines


Looking after Employees at South West Airlines


Dedicated employees, customer and partners blog about South West.